
The bAwear Advanced Impact Calculator is powered by SimaPro using midpoint ReCiPe 2016. Our methodology covers all steps in the textile supply chain from cradle-to-gate/grave and is prepared for upcoming EU legislation.

Our model and methodology

Created by LCA and textile experts

bAwear's methodology utilizes the ReCiPe 2016 Midpoint (H) method, emphasizing 4 key impact categories for accurate reporting and avoiding greenwashing, Global warming, Fossil energy, Water use and Land use. Powered by SimaPro software, the tool relies on validated data sources, including a generic textile module developed in collaboration with PRé Sustainability, ensuring reliable environmental impact assessments and insights.

Covering the textile supply chain

Cradle to Gate and Grave

Believe that together, we can help the industry transform for the better. Our software empowers consultants, service providers and educators to support their work with credible data for textile products. Want to team up and weave an alliance?

Why choose us?

Textile dedicated, built with expertise

Powered by SimaPro, we integrate LCA and textile expertise to develop data-driven sustainability solutions tailored for the textile industry.

LCA and textile expertise

Our team of LCA and textile experts guide you through every step, helping you understand your results, implement practical solutions, and meet your impact transparency goals.

Turn data into information

Take action with tangible and actionable insights without complexity. Embrace streamlined LCAs, providing measurable actions for informed decision-making.

Revolutionizing scalability

With Streamlined LCAs, we scale up impact assessments to multiple products, fostering a comprehensive approach that surpasses individual product calculations.

Save time and resources

bAwear's Streamlined LCAs offer cost-efficient access to sustainability data, allowing companies of any budget to make data-driven environmental decisions.

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  • Frequently asked questions

    Visit our FAQ or chat with us

    What are streamlined LCAs?

    At bAwear, we understand that businesses need practical and scalable solutions to assess their environmental impact. Our streamlined LCA approach respects the essential aspects of a traditional LCA while offering the speed and efficiency that companies need. By focusing on key elements, we can provide impact calculations that offer valuable insights into environmental hotspots within a supply chain. Our approach enables companies to assess the impact of multiple products, allowing for a more comprehensive view of their sustainability landscape. This broader perspective helps businesses make informed decisions and take meaningful action to reduce their environmental footprint.

    What is the methodology used by bAwear?

    The bAwear Calculator uses the ReCiPe 2016 midpoint (Hierarchist) methodology. The reported environmental impact indicators are ‘Climate change’ (referred to as ‘Global warming’),  Fossil Resource Scarcity (Energy use’ in this tool), and ‘Water use", and 'Land use'.

    What can I do with the results of my calculations?

    The results of your calculations can be used for understanding the environmental impact of your textile supply chain and provide insights to make better, data-driven decisions to drive sustainable product design and/or sourcing.

    How does a streamlined LCA work?

    Overall, streamlined LCAs aim to provide a rapid and cost-effective way to assess the environmental impacts of products or systems while still maintaining a reasonable level of accuracy and reliability. By simplifying data collection, modelling, and analysis techniques, they make LCA more accessible to a broader range of users and applications. However, it's important to recognize that the level of detail and accuracy achieved in a streamlined LCA may not be sufficient for all purposes, and careful consideration should be given to the appropriateness of the approach for a given application.

    Are streamlined LCAs reliable?

    Overall, while streamlined LCAs can provide valuable insights and facilitate decision-making, their reliability hinges on careful consideration of scope, data quality, methodological rigor, and validation processes. It's essential to assess the suitability of a streamlined LCA approach for a specific application and to interpret the results with an understanding of its limitations and uncertainties.

    Are the calculations PEF-CR compliant?

    The Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEF-CR) are currently under construction and not formalized, therefore there is no solution which can be PEF-CR compliant.

    Why does bAwear not calculate chemical toxicity?

    bAwear does not calculate chemical toxicity because the composition and behaviour of chemicals used in textile processes are largely unknown and highly variable. Chemicals in formulations are often not fully disclosed, and their reactions and transformations during processing are complex and unpredictable. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are frequently incomplete, making it difficult to assess toxicity accurately. Additionally, eco-toxicity models require known chemical structures, which are not always available. Consequently, bAwear believes that any toxicity impact calculations would be unreliable, and potentially misleading by a factor of 10-100 times, and thus prefers not to report these impact categories.

    What does 'Powered by SimaPro' mean?

    "Powered by SimaPro" means that bAwear utilizes SimaPro's calculation engine and LCA expertise to provide credible sustainability metrics for textiles. Together, we combine over 30 years of textile sustainability and LCA experience.